Challenge information
Who will be a mentor?
Mentor – Superhero and LEMON GYM coach: Monika Černauskaite!
Where and when?
On the main beach of Žalieji ežerai, every Sunday at 12:00 p.m.
We start on October 1 and we will continue swimming until April 7.
Swimming plan
- We meet at the Žalieji ežerai ,
- We do light warm-up (active exercise is not recommended before swimming in cold water),
- Swimming!
- Cold Breathing Exercises “The Horse Stance”
- Let’s drink tea and chat!
What to take with you?
- Swimming suit,
- Towel,
- A thermos of warm tea,
- Good mood!
This winter swimming challenge is FREE and open to all adults. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED!
Fill out the registration form.
Register now!
Benefits of winter swimming:
For those suffering from the cardiovascular system, joints or other chronic diseases, we recommend consulting a doctor before winter swimming.
This challenge is FREE and open to all adults. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED!
Events can be filmed and photographed, and information can be distributed on social networks.