1.1. In these Rules, the capitalized terms have the meanings specified below, unless the context requires otherwise:

Client: a person who has purchased:

a.) Membership for a specified period;

b) a one-time visit;

c) additional paid Services.

Membership: the right acquired by the Client to visit the Sports Club for a specified period and use the Sports Club Services, depending on the type of Membership purchased. Membership types and their descriptions are available on the Sports Club website at

Minor: A Client of a Sports Club from the age of 14 inclusive, who can exercise alone in the Sports Club with the written consent of their parents or guardians, or a person under the age of 14, who can exercise in the Sports Club with the written consent of their parents or guardians and a personal trainer.

Services: these are services provided by the Sports Club, which consist or may consist of:

a) a gym;

b) group classes;

c) additional services (e.g. a personal trainer), for which the Client pays an additional fee.

Appendix: the Appendix to these Rules, which is an integral part of the Rules.

Reservation: advance reservation of a place to participate in group classes.

Sports Club: means a sports club marked with the trademark LEMON GYM, to which the Rules apply, and (or) the legal entity providing Sports Club services – UAB “Gym LT”, legal entity code 303472404, registered office address Kareivių g. 14, Vilnius, website address

Agreement: means the Agreement concluded between the Client and the Sports Club, which consists of the Special Terms and Conditions and the General Terms and Conditions, with all its annexes, amendments and supplements.

Rules: the Rules for using the services provided by the Sports Club, which establish the procedure for providing Sports Club services, mandatory safety, hygiene and other requirements for Clients, the rights, duties and obligations of the Sports Club and its Clients.

Single visit: means the right acquired by a person to visit the Sports Club once and use the Sports Club Services, depending on the type of Services purchased, which you can find at

Call Center Specialist: a person working remotely as an employee of the Sports Club, who can be contacted for all questions related to LEMON GYM services. The Call Center contacts are publicly announced on the website and are placed in clearly visible places in LEMON GYM Sports Clubs.


2.1. The Rules for Using the Sports Club Services are mandatory for all Clients and other persons who use the Sports Club Services. The use of the Sports Club Services is permitted only after the Client has carefully read the Rules and confirmed this by electronic means.

2.2. The Rules are available on the Sports Club website. In the event of changes in market conditions or legal acts regulating the market, as well as in the presence of other grounds or circumstances, the Sports Club administration has the right to update the Rules, having notified the Clients thereof no later than 10 (ten) days before the update of the Rules (unless there are justified reasons for which such a change must be applied immediately or sooner than the aforementioned deadline, and such a change does not reduce the guarantees provided to the Client), in the following ways: by placing a link to the new Rules on the Sports Club website, by posting relevant announcements on the Sports Club noticeboard and/or by sending a message to the Client’s self-service.

2.4. Right to use the Sports Club Services

2.4.1. The right to use the Sports Club Services is granted to persons who have purchased a Membership or a Single Visit in accordance with the procedure established by the Sports Club and have familiarized themselves with the Rules and confirmed this by electronic means. The Agreement is concluded on behalf of Minor Clients and the familiarization with the Rules is confirmed by their parents (guardians), from the age of 14 inclusive – by the Minor himself, having a written request from one of the parents or guardians, as provided for in clause 2.5.1 of the Rules.

2.5. Rights of Minors to Use the Services of the Sports Club

2.5.1. Minor Clients may exercise and be in the gym only after submitting a written request from one of the parents or guardians. The application must be completed according to the form provided in Appendix 2, signed and its electronic copy or a request signed with a qualified electronic signature must be submitted to the email address When signing the Agreement, the payer may only be an adult. In such a case, parents/guardians assume all risks related to the health of the Minor Client or any damage to his/her health and life, except in cases where this damage occurred due to the fault of the Sports Club. Persons under the age of 14 are prohibited from using the Sports Club Services, except in cases where they use the Sports Club Services together with a personal trainer.

2.6. Membership and Additional Services Prices, Procedure for Their Acquisition

2.6.1. Membership and additional Services prices or other fees valid in the Sports Club, which are published on the Sports Club website, are determined by the Sports Club.

2.6.2. Customers can pay for Services and goods electronically (at a self-service terminal or on the website):

a) by bank card (by specifying bank card details) or by electronic invoice;

b) by sports club gift vouchers, having paid the difference between the Service price and the value of the gift voucher in one of the ways specified in point (a). The terms and conditions for the use of gift vouchers are specified in each gift voucher.

2.6.3. A sports club employee has the right to ask the Customer to show his/her personal document with a photo, confirming the identity of the person, in order for the Customer to acquire a Membership or a Single Visit and/or visit the Sports Club. The identity document is also checked if the Sports Club employee has doubts that the Client is a Minor. If the document is refused, the Membership or Single Visit may not be sold and/or the Client may not be allowed into the Sports Club.

2.6.4. Clients wishing to take advantage of the discount for purchasing a Membership for students, seniors or persons with disabilities must provide supporting documents upon request by the Sports Club.

2.7. Membership Usage Procedure

2.7.1. The Client must start using the Sports Club Services no later than 7 (seven) calendar days after payment for the Membership, unless the relevant Agreement establishes a different term for activation of the Membership. If the Client does not start using the Sports Club Services within this period or the term specified in the relevant Agreement, the Membership is activated automatically and its validity period corresponding to the type of Membership begins to count.

2.7.2. The services provided, which are included in the purchased Membership, are divided according to its corresponding type. Membership types and their description are provided on the Sports Club website at

2.7.3. The validity of the Membership may be suspended, i.e. i.e., the Client may be granted leave, if so provided in the Agreement, only for the specified period and only for the specified time intervals, if the Client informs the Sports Club about this no later than 1 (one) business day in advance. The term of the Membership, after the suspension period expires, automatically continues and is extended for the period for which the Membership was suspended. The Service Fee for the current month is reduced due to the granted leave, and if the current month has been fully paid, the overpayment is transferred to the next month. Membership can be suspended for a minimum of 7 (seven) calendar days.

2.7.4. Membership is nominal. It is prohibited to transfer it to another person without the prior permission of the Sports Club. In case of violation of this requirement, the Sports Club has the right to terminate the Membership and the Agreement.

2.7.5. A Client wishing to transfer the Membership to another person must submit a written request to the Sports Club (according to the form provided in Appendix 3), indicating the name and surname of the specific person to whom the Membership is being transferred, and pay a one-time Membership transfer fee, which is published on the Sports Club website. The request is sent by e-mail to

2.7.6. A Client wishing to change the type of Membership purchased or the selected Sports Club must submit a written request (in free form) for the change of Membership or Sports Club and contact by e-mail to, or call 19193. If a cheaper Membership is changed to a more expensive one, the Client must pay the difference in the Membership price according to the prices valid in the Sports Club on the day of the Membership change. The Client cannot change a more expensive Membership to a cheaper one.

2.7.7. Each client with an active Membership participates in the Loyalty Program (hereinafter referred to as the Loyalty Program), which counts the Client’s visits to the Sports Club and provides certain benefits accordingly. More detailed information is provided on the page , and for clients who have not objected to receiving direct marketing messages, their personal benefits based on the number of visits are also communicated by e-mail.

2.8. Access to the Sports Club

2.8.1. Clients who have purchased a Membership can access the Sports Club and use the Sports Club Services by scanning the QR code installed on their smartphone or other device. The Client undertakes to provide their personal identification document with a photo and show it to the Sports Club employee if the Sports Club employee has any suspicions about the identity of the person. Without providing a document confirming the identity of the person, the Client will not be allowed into the Sports Club.

2.8.2. The Client must use his/her QR code exclusively for his/her personal needs and not transfer it to third parties or otherwise create conditions for third parties to enter the Sports Club using the Client’s identification means. In case of violation of this requirement, the Sports Club has the right to terminate the Membership and the Agreement.

2.9. Security and storage of Clients’ belongings

2.9.1. The Sports Club does not provide storage services, but only provides Clients with the opportunity to leave their belongings in designated places. Clients leave their personal belongings in the Sports Club’s locker room and lockers, which the Clients must lock after leaving their belongings.

2.9.2. The Sports Club is not responsible for items left by Clients in the locker room or other premises of the Sports Club.

2.9.3. The Sports Club is not responsible for the loss and/or damage of Clients’ personal belongings, unless this occurred due to the fault of the Sports Club.

2.9.4. Items left by the Client in the Sports Club are stored for no longer than 7 (seven) days from the date of their discovery, and then they are destroyed. Found documents are handed over to the police.

2.9.5. The Client must leave the locker unlocked when leaving the Sports Club. If the locker is left locked, the lock is cut, the items in the locker are stored for up to two weeks, and the Sports Club is not liable for any losses incurred.


3.1. In the Sports Club and its territory, the Customer must:

3.1.1. Use the Services, property and inventory provided by the Sports Club responsibly and carefully, take all possible measures so as not to cause harm to himself, the Sports Club, his own, other Sports Club Customers and employees’ health and property when using the Services.

3.1.2. Before using the Sports Club equipment and inventory, familiarize yourself with the rules for using this equipment and inventory posted in the Sports Club premises or indicated on the inventory or equipment, and in case of any uncertainties, do not use this equipment and inventory, but contact the responsible Sports Club employees for the provision of the necessary information.

3.1.3. Use the Sports Club equipment and inventory only for their direct purpose, in the ways and manner provided for in the rules for using this equipment and inventory; not to use temporarily broken equipment and inventory.

3.1.4. Not to interfere with other Clients using the Sports Club Services. Clients who notice inappropriate behavior of other Clients that interferes with the use of the Services by other Clients or may threaten the safety or health of other Clients must report this to the responsible employee of the Sports Club or by e-mail In case of danger, they must press the alarm button located in the Sports Club.

3.1.5. Immediately inform the Sports Club employees by e-mail or by phone number 19193 about their own or other Clients’ health deterioration or injury suffered while using the Sports Club Services. If necessary, the Client must also seek help by calling the general emergency number 112.

3.1.6. It is mandatory to wear sportswear in the gym and wear clean closed sports shoes that hold the foot firmly.

3.1.7. Perform exercises on exercise machines or mats only after laying down a towel.

3.1.8. After completing the exercises or finishing the group training, leave the exercise machines in a neat and tidy condition, suitable for use by other Clients, and place exercise machine accessories, other equipment, and weights in their designated places.

3.2. In the Sports Club and its territory, Clients are prohibited from:

3.2.1. Interfering with the Sports Club’s provision of Services or the use of Services by other Sports Club visitors, damaging the Sports Club’s inventory or other property.

3.2.2. Photographing and filming other Clients (or in such a way that other Clients are included in the frame) without their express consent, or filming or photographing in premises of the Sports Club other than those intended for the Sports Club’s Clients, without the written permission of the Sports Club’s management.

3.2.3. Providing the Sports Club’s Clients with wellness or similar Services, consulting, training Clients without obtaining the consent of the Sports Club/purchasing the appropriate Membership (Membership is intended only for personal trainers).

3.2.4. Bringing in or consuming alcohol or other psychotropic substances; bringing in or consuming any drinks in glass containers.

3.2.5. To be in the Sports Club while intoxicated or under the influence of psychoactive substances (drugs, medicines, other intoxicating or toxic substances).

3.2.6. To visit the premises of the Sports Club other than those designated for the Clients of the Sports Club.

3.3. The Client is informed and agrees that he will work (exercise) independently in the Sports Club gym, choosing specific sports trainers, tools, equipment, as well as physical activity according to his individual needs, personal characteristics and the effect on the body. There will be no employees of the Sports Club in the gym, and the Client’s training in the gym will not be supervised.

3.4. Taking into account the specifics of the Sports Club’s work and customer service and the fact that the Clients independently use the Services of the Sports Club, the Clients are informed and agree that during certain working hours of the Sports Club, its employees may not be present in the Sports Club premises.

3.5. Reservation of places in group classes

3.5.1. A client wishing to participate in group classes must reserve a place in advance on the Sports Club website or mobile application. The number of places in the Sports Club’s group classes is limited and if a place is not reserved, the Sports Club does not guarantee that there will be free places in the class and that it will be possible to participate in it.

3.5.2. Group classes take place if at least 3 (three) clients participate in the training.

3.5.3. If the Client cannot arrive at a pre-booked group class, he must cancel the Reservation on his own. Cancellation is possible only more than 90 (ninety) minutes before the start of the class.

3.5.4. Group class reservations can be made no earlier than 72 hours before the training. A maximum of 3 (three) group classes can be booked per day. If the Client has not attended the group classes for which he/she has made a Reservation 3 (three) times within 2 (two) calendar weeks, the Client’s right to Book classes is disabled for 7 (seven) days from the third day of non-participation.

3.5.5. The Client must have entered the Sports Club before the scheduled start of the group class. If the Client has not entered the Sports Club before the scheduled start of the group class or has not arrived at the group class within 5 (five) minutes from the scheduled start of the class, it is considered that the Client has not participated in the group class.

3.5.6 During a group training session in a functional area, priority for use of the equipment is given to clients who have registered for the ongoing training session.

3.6 Rules for using the sauna:

3.6.1 Before using the sauna services and after using them, it is mandatory to take a shower.

3.6.2. The sauna can only be entered with a towel or other mat, which must be spread out in the sauna.

3.6.3. Slippers must be left at the entrance to the sauna;

3.6.4. Minors can use the sauna only under the supervision of accompanying adults, who are responsible for their safety, behavior, compliance with internal rules, and health status.

3.6.5. It is strictly forbidden to:

a) consume alcoholic beverages or get intoxicated with other substances

b) smoke (including e-cigarettes, IQOS and other similar devices)

c) use battens/adjust sauna equipment

d) make noise, interfere with other customers using the sauna

e) take photos, film customers without their consent

f) have glass, breakable objects

g) pour water.


4.1. The Customer has the right to:

4.1.1. Having purchased a Membership of the selected duration or a Single Visit, use the Services of the Sports Club.

4.1.2. To refuse the Services and demand a refund of the part of the Service Fee paid for the Membership, proportional to the period remaining until the expiration of the Membership, only after covering the direct losses incurred by the Sports Club as a result (except for cases where the Services are refused due to the fault of the Sports Club), which shall be considered:

a) A discount granted to the Client for the period from the date of commencement of the Membership until the date of its termination. The amount of the discount is specified in the Agreement. If the amount of the applied discount is not specified in the Agreement, when calculating this discount, the difference between the price of one month of Membership without the discount and the actual price of one month of Membership purchased by the Client is taken. The resulting difference is multiplied by the number of months from the date of commencement of the Membership until the date of its termination. If the Services are refused due to the fact that the Client cannot attend the Sports Club due to surgery and/or bone fractures, when calculating the amount of the discount granted, the period from the date of commencement of the Membership until the absence from the Sports Club due to surgery and/or bone fractures, no later than within 15 (fifteen) days from recovery, upon submission of a supporting document, is taken into account;

b) debt administration and other reasonable expenses.

4.1.3. To refuse the Services in the case of critical illnesses (Appendix 1) and to demand a refund of the Service Fee paid for the Membership, proportional to the period from the absence from the Sports Club due to illness until the expiration of the Membership, only upon submission of supporting documents.

4.2. The Client undertakes to:

4.2.1. Use the Services, property and inventory provided by the Sports Club responsibly and with care.

4.2.2. Comply with these Rules when visiting the Sports Club.

4.2.3. Indemnify the Sports Club for direct losses incurred if the Membership is terminated unilaterally and through no fault of the Sports Club before the expiry of the Membership validity period or the Membership is terminated by the Sports Club due to the Client’s fault.

4.2.4. Indemnify the Sports Club for material damage (due to damaged equipment, inventory, etc.) incurred through the fault of the Client or the fault of the Minors who arrived with him/her in accordance with the damage assessment report submitted by the Sports Club. The Client must compensate for the damage caused to the Sports Club no later than within 3 (three) calendar days from the date of submission of the damage assessment report to the Client responsible for causing the damage, except in cases where a different term for compensation for damage has been established with the consent of the Sports Club administration with the Client.

4.3. Clients’ responsibility:

4.3.1. Clients with health problems that may pose a threat to the health and/or life of the Clients themselves or other Clients must inform the Sports Club about these problems.

4.3.2. Clients are fully responsible for the suitability of their health to use the services provided by the Sports Club and the accuracy of the data provided about their health.

4.3.3. If the Sports Club employees have reasonable doubts about the Client’s health, the Sports Club employee or the Call Center specialist has the right to request that the Client submit a doctor’s certificate about their health. Medical certificates submitted by Clients to the Sports Club are not processed automatically and are not systematized or intended to form a data system.

4.3.4. Before choosing specific Sports Club Services, the Client must take into account his/her health status and the possible impact of these Services on him/her, i.e., the Client must make sure that his/her health status allows him/her to visit the Sports Club and use the Services provided by it.

4.3.5. When using the facilities and Services available at the Sports Club, Clients independently choose physical activity according to their individual needs, personal characteristics and the impact on the body.

4.3.6. All responsibility for the Client’s health problems, injuries and accidents that occurred while visiting the Sports Club lies with the Client, except in cases where this damage occurred due to the fault of the Sports Club or the Sports Club employees.


5.1. The Sports Club has the right to:

5.1.1. Change the working hours of the Sports Club, as well as change the working hours of individual areas of the Sports Club. Customers are informed about the changes in advance, more information about this is in clause 5.2.1 of the Rules.

5.1.2. When performing preventive work, do not provide Services for up to 48 (forty-eight) hours.

5.1.3. Establish other rules and conditions of validity of individual Memberships or One-time visits distributed during promotions conducted by the Sports Club (exceptions from these Rules), which are mandatory for Customers who have purchased such promotional Memberships. Such exclusive rules and conditions of Memberships distributed during promotions conducted by the Sports Club are published in the terms of the relevant promotion and on the Sports Club website.

5.1.4. In case of reasonable doubts about the Client’s health condition, ask the Client to stop training and recommend consulting a doctor, as well as request a doctor’s certificate allowing the use of the Services provided by the Sports Club.

5.1.5. Do not provide the relevant Services to persons with health conditions that may pose a threat to their own health and/or life, safety of other Clients (infectious diseases, etc.).

5.1.6. Require that the Client, who has violated clauses 2.7.4, 2.8.2 or 3.2 of these Rules or has repeatedly violated any other requirement of the Rules (if the Client was warned about the first violation by the Sports Club employees), immediately stop using the Services provided by the Sports Club and leave the Sports Club premises. The money for this visit is not refunded to the Client.

5.1.7. In the cases provided for in clause 5.1.6 of the Rules, as well as in cases where the Client poses a threat to other Clients of the Sports Club by his/her behavior and does not listen to the instructions of the Sports Club employees or Call Center employees, terminate the validity of the Client’s Membership and Agreement and prevent the Client from entering the Sports Club. In this case, the Client shall be refunded the part of the Service Fee paid for the Membership, proportional to the period remaining until the expiration of the Membership, after deducting the reasonable direct losses incurred by the Sports Club due to non-compliance with the Rules.

5.2. The Sports Club undertakes to:

5.2.1 Not later than 3 (three) calendar days in advance, inform the Clients about changes in the Sports Club’s working hours by posting relevant notices in a visible place in each Sports Club and by providing relevant information on the Sports Club’s website.

5.2.2. Provide the Services for the entire Membership period, except in cases where the Sports Club is closed for reasons not related to the Client, including, but not limited to, for the elimination of the consequences of accidents, scheduled repairs, due to sanitary hygiene, in the country or municipality where a specific Sports Club is located, after the declaration of an emergency situation, quarantine, etc., and therefore the Services cannot be used.

5.2.3. To suspend and extend the validity of the Client’s Membership for the period when the Sports Club was closed for the reasons listed in these Rules, except for public holidays and preventive inspection works performed at the Sports Club, which are performed no more than twice a year. The Sports Club has the right, when performing preventive works, not to provide Services for up to 48 (forty-eight) hours, having informed the Client no later than 3 (three) days in advance by posting an announcement on the premises of the Sports Club, on the Sports Club’s website. At that time, the Client is given the opportunity to visit other LEMON GYM Sports Clubs.

5.3. Responsibility of the Sports Club

5.3.1. The Sports Club provides Clients with the opportunity to use the Services it provides, but does not assess the impact of these Services on the health of a specific Client, and also does not guarantee their positive effect, i.e. i.e., the Services provided by the Sports Club, taking into account the health status of a specific Client, may have a negative impact on the Client’s health, therefore the Client must be careful and diligent when deciding to visit the Sports Club and choosing the specific Services provided by it.

5.3.2. The Sports Club does not compensate the Client for any material or non-material damage caused to the Client’s health and life due to the Services provided by it, except in cases where this damage occurred due to the fault of the Sports Club or its employees. The Client confirms that he has been properly informed and knows and understands that the Sports Club and its employees are not liable to the Client if the Client himself (including Minors) does not comply with generally accepted safety requirements and/or the instructions of the Sports Club staff and/or the Rules.

5.3.3. If an accident occurs at the Sports Club that affects the Client’s health, the Client refuses to call an ambulance or leaves before the ambulance arrives or refuses to be assisted after the ambulance arrives, in such cases the Client is fully responsible for any damage suffered by him in connection therewith and the consequences thereof, if this damage (consequences) did not occur due to the fault of the Sports Club.

5.3.4. The Sports Club has no obligation to compensate for the inconveniences suffered by the Client if the training specified in the schedule is conducted by another instructor or the training did not take place for objectively justified reasons and the Clients were informed about this in the group training schedule published on the Sports Club’s website.


6.1. The Sports Club and the Client shall cooperate and cooperate in the performance of the Agreement and the Rules, and shall seek the most economical method of performance of the Agreement and the Rules for both parties. The Sports Club and the Client may discuss the execution of the Agreement and the Rules, the intended changes to the terms and conditions of the Agreement or the Rules and other circumstances in writing or by telephone. Any change to the terms and conditions of the Agreement shall enter into force upon conclusion of the agreement, which may be established in one of the following ways:

a) by exchanging signed documents by registered or courier mail;

b) by exchanging documents signed with a qualified electronic signature (for example, a mobile signature) by electronic means;

c) by exchanging digital copies of the document by e-mail (.pdf or other appropriate form);

d) on the Sports Club’s website or self-service terminal, if such an opportunity is provided;

e) if the Sports Club and the Client agree by telephone, after the Sports Club has sent the Client information about the changes by e-mail and the Client has confirmed it by e-mail.

6.2. A notice or other information sent by e-mail will be deemed to have been received on the day of its actual sending or on the next business day if the day of sending the e-mail was not a business day or if the e-mail was sent on business days after 5:00 p.m. (local time of the recipient of the notice or information). Notices or other information sent by registered or courier mail are deemed to have been properly served when sent by registered or courier mail, respectively.

6.3. The parties will seek to resolve any disputes amicably, however, if the dispute cannot be resolved, the Client may always contact the State Consumer Rights Protection Service (Vilniaus g. 25, Vilnius,, fill out the application form in the ODR system or directly to the competent court.

6.4. Detailed and up-to-date versions of the Sports Club Rules are provided and can be viewed on the Sports Club website.

6.5. UAB “Gym LT” has the right, without separate prior consent of the Client, to transfer its rights and obligations arising from the Agreement to any related or unrelated person, provided that the guarantees granted to the Client under the Agreement are not reduced during the transfer of rights and obligations.