Perkunkiemis Lemon Gym – a club close to your work and home! Here you will find an exercise space for quiet stretching, a wide functional area, and a group training room for real workoutparties! When you come to the hall, you won’t feel crowded either – it’s spacious, and there are enough exercise machines for everyone. For active and fun breaks, you will also find a slot machine here;)
Everything to achieve your goals!
Exercise as you like! Lemon Gym offers a wide range of options, so everyone can achieve their goals.
Expert coaches guide you through workouts, offering full-body adaptive strength training that keeps you motivated.

Circle training
Functional strength training that trains various muscle groups and strengthens the cardiovascular system.
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It’s a full-body workout with elements of boxing. During training, general physical fitness is improved, endurance is developed, coordination is developed and boxing techniques are learned.
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Press & back
A cardio workout designed to strengthen the muscles of the back, abs and upper body
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Full body tone
It is a strength and endurance workout based on strength exercises targeting different muscle groups
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Functional training with belts, during which various strength exercises are performed using only your own body weight
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An intense strength training session designed to develop and tone key muscle groups. During it, additional equipment is used – special sticks, weights, balls, and “step” platforms.
Every GRIP workout will make you believe that you can do more every time and achieve visible, long-lasting results. Already after the first workout, you will see a new, improved self in the mirror!
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A full-body exercise technique that strengthens the deep and superficial muscles of the body, and improves flexibility and coordination.
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TRX Yoga
TRX Yoga – training with TRX belts. It improves flexibility, balance, nerve and muscle control, all of which tone and strengthen muscles.
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A workout that combines dance and aerobic items to strengthen all muscle groups. The result is better posture, cardiovascular health, metabolism, and a leaner body
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Exercise is for both body and soul
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Coaches leading the training:

Rasa Liudeikaitė

Darius Kutka

Naglis Motiejūnas

Artūras Zikis

Indrė Ivanauskaitė-Vindašiuvienė

Eglė Graužinytė

Valdemar Kulda

Adelė Pavliukevičiūtė

Ana Romanovska

Karolina Kitkovska

Eglė Bobelytė

Gytis Vilkelis

Erika Verbickaitė

Sandra Kunigėlė

Artūras Panavas

Tomas Andrukonis

Artūras Malichinas

Eimantas Čerabiejus
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact us.
Does the club have a parking area for its clients?
Yes, for customers with an annual membership, and after registering their car number with a sports club employee or call center specialist, they can park their car for free for 3 hours. Customers without an annual membership can park their car for free for 1 hour. There is also a PC DOMUS PRO parking lot right next to the club, where you can park your car for 3 hours for free.
Does the club have a sauna?
No, Sauna’s are located in Lemon Gym Europa, Vienuolis and Kaunas Zalgiris arena clubs.
At what hours of the day can I find a club manager?
Employees of the sports club work only on weekdays, during peak customer flows. You can resolve all questions related to membership with the call center via email ( ) or by calling 19193
How do I make an appointment to group trainings?
Download the LEMON GYM LT app, and log in with your e-mail and password. In the “Training” section of the app, filter the club you want to attend, click on the required training, and press the plus sign.
What are opening hours of the club?
The club is open 24/7
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