Personal & Group trainer
You don't need to be extreme - just be consistent.
[CMS] Education
- Active training personal trainer training (2015-2016)
- VMU physical activity specialist training (2022-2024)
Experience since 2015.
[CMS] Specialisation
Weight loss, muscle building, beginner/advanced workouts.
[CMS] Price and additional information
20 – 40 eur/hour.
Nutrition and sports plans, personal training, small group training.

Coach leading the workouts:

Circle training
Functional strength training that trains various muscle groups and strengthens the cardiovascular system.
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Press & back
A cardio workout designed to strengthen the muscles of the back, abs and upper body
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Functional HIIT
Functional strength training develops physical fitness, during which all muscle groups work intensively.
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Slow & Strong
Full body exercise methodology that strengthens deep and superficial body muscles, and develops flexibility and coordination