What are the benefits of “Roll-Shaper”?

How to START?
Stand on the side where the fan is located and enter the code you received when you bought the “Roll-Shaper” package.
Use the arrows to select a programme (from 21 to 25) and press “START”
Follow the massage instructions!
On average, you will take between 1 and 3 minutes in each position. When it’s time to change positions, the “Roll-Shaper” will notify you with a sound effect.
In total, you will be on the massager for 20 minutes. Have a quality rest!

“Roll-Shaper” is contraindicated if you have acute inflammatory disease (flu, fever), infectious disease (jaundice, tuberculosis, etc.), skin and/or venereal disease, acute nerve damage (after trauma or surgery), fresh wounds, recent bleeding, risk of bleeding, tumors/tumor suspicion, diseases of the thyroid gland, affective mental states (anger, stress, neurasthenia, mutism), acute renal failure, acute liver failure, risk of miscarriage, acute trauma (fracture, concussion, rupture), major birthmarks or bruising in the massage area, acute heart failure (arrhythmia, heart attack, valvular heart disease, myocarditis), high, unstable blood pressure, varicose veins or inflammation of the veins in the area to be massaged.
Read the terms and conditions of use and safety of the “Roll-Shaper” roller massage below.